Frequently Asked Questions
Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about appliance repair.
Can softener sheets damage my dryer?
Softener sheets won’t damage your dryer because they are similar to the fabric of your clothing, but it is possible for them to clog the lint filters or create a thin film over the moisture sensor, so make sure to clean both after each use.
How long should it take for a load of clothes to dry?
While the amount of time it takes for a load of clothes to dry can vary depending on the weight of the load itself, the setting of the dryer, and the fabric of your clothing, an average figure would be about 45 minutes. If you notice that it starts taking longer over a certain period of time, the vents should be checked for clogging and other issues.
What is that smell coming from my oven during the self-cleaning phase?
When your oven cleans itself it will burn off any residual grease and food, causing the smell. It is a good idea in these cases to ensure your kitchen is well ventilated, be it through open windows or ceiling vents.
Should I place my refrigerator up against the wall or should I leave some space?
The answer depends on the design of your refrigerator. If it has a metal grid on the back, the answer is no, and you should make sure there is a separation of at least one inch between the wall and the grid. If, on the other hand, there is no metal grid, then yes, you can put it all the way up against the wall.
How do I get rid of an old refrigerator or freezer?
One of the best ways to get rid of an old refrigerator or freezer is to take it to the landfill in your area, but before you load it into a truck, make sure to call your local refrigeration experts to evacuate the appliance first, as per environmental laws.
My gas oven is glowing, but it doesn’t heat. What is wrong?
The glow is due to the oven’s igniter, which is known as a “glow-bar”. This is what causes the gas to ignite and will usually glow as it heats. The problem is caused when the igniter does not reach the appropriate temperature, which in turn will cause the gas valve to remain closed. This will prevent your oven from heating. In this case, the igniter may need to be replaced.
My washer has finished washing, so why are there still suds in it?
Left over suds usually mean you have been using too much detergent for the size of the load you’ve been washing. In this case it is a good idea to verify your washer’s instruction manual to determine the exact amount of detergent you should use.
Is it normal for my washer to use cold water during the warm cycle?
Yes, and there are two reasons for this. The first is the fact that your washer has to combine hot and cold water to reach the correct temperature for the warm cycle to run adequately. During the winter, tap water is usually much colder than during the summer months, which in turn will reflect on a cooler water temperature during the warm cycle. On the other hand, something might be clogging the hot water intake, such as a dirty hose filter, in which case you might need to have your washer checked out.
Can storing my refrigerator or freezer in the garage damage it?
Storing a refrigerator or freezer in the garage won’t usually damage it, unless it is a self-defrosting fridge and the temperature falls below 50°F, in which case the oil might thicken causing a compression failure.

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